Brain Codes

Advanced Education For Kids

Guide Your Child's Learning, With Your Family Values.

Learning Systems and Resources for Home and Private Schools

The Kenzy Project is an online platform to help families who want to reclaim their children's education.  

Kenzy Academy is a private school planned for September 2025. 

*If you are within driving distance of this postal code and this system resonates with you, please reach out:  T4C 1M9

Homeschool Culture

John McEntee pointed out that homeschooling children is not an experiment, the public education system is.  Children were taught at home long before any public school was created.  Many believe classrooms were created to serve industry by training generations of good factory workers.  

Families have the right to decide what their children learn.  This is why Kenzy Academy was inspired by the homeschool community.  It is a great way to learn.

Leveled Learning

Students need to be able to work at their own level.  Some high school students still count fingers to add.  Some early elementary students can do long division.  Just because children are born in the same year doesn't mean they are academically at the same level.  Each child will even be at different levels for each subject.  Marcy may be able to solve algebraic equations but struggle to sound out words.  

At Kenzy Academy we treat each class like a one room school where each child is able to work at their own level and be challenged every day in every subject.  Take a look at this video to see how this works.  

Kenzy Music

Students need to be able to progress at their own pace. Some high school students are barely able to play 'Hot Cross Buns' while some younger students are already playing advanced pieces. By showing children the basics of music, allowing them time to practice with simple harmonies first then to discover, experiment and create with notes we give them the best chance for genuine success.  Just a few minutes a day is enough.

At Kenzy Academy, we give every student a chance to work at their own level and be challenged daily in every aspect of music.

Sample Graphic Music Track

Back to Basics

To get the best of both worlds, we accelerate learning by using advanced methods.  We help children learn the basics and key concepts in a short amount of time.  The rest of the time can be spent on life skills, passions and projects where these skills can be put to practical use.  

The best way to think about Kenzy Methods are they are shortcuts for learning, based on research and proven over time.  We've taken methods like 'Memory Palaces' and redesigned them for children.  Considering most 12 year-olds haven't mastered the times tables, we are quite proud that we can teach 8 year-olds this in a few hours.  These skills are critical as every concept in math uses basic facts.  Every one.

How to Foster Creativity

Technology is no replacement for teaching

How To Make Creative Writing Relevant

Why Getting Back To Basics is Critical

Kenzy Kids will:

Master the Basics

Most children who complete grade 6 aren't able to do basic math.  They can't do simple addition without counting fingers or basic multiplication at all.  They can't calculate 40% of 70 or two thirds of 24.  They are often assessed using multiple choice tests which is only slightly more accurate than flipping a coin. 

We ensure that your child will masters the basics and learn concepts that relate directly to life skills.  With proven, research methods refined over decades an eight year old can learn the complete times tables can be learned in less than 6 hours.

Learn Life Skills.

In the classroom children are taught how to write Haiku poems, name clouds and triangles and Roman numerals, but are not taught to cook a meal, plant a garden or fix a tire.  

Kenzy Kids will learn to build a model house, plant a garden, cook and bake and other life skills and.

Allowed To Be Creative.

Creating is the highest form of learning. Often in the public system 85%+ of the work is in the form of a worksheet such as questions from a textbook, a workbook with standard questions and answers or spelling tests.  Even the majority of science class is spent filling in log books or lab sheets.

Students will spend at most 2 hours doing academic work which will include hands on activities to learn concepts.  The rest of the time will be spent working on projects, playing an instrument or working with their hands in some way.

Given Opportunities, Not Rewards

Rewards don't motivate.  Giving marks don't improve test scores.  Yet, teachers, educational assistants and even principals are forever giving red grade letters, stickers and dollar store prizes when all the research says this kills motivation and creativity.  

Kids will earn opportunities.  If they finish work early, they can have time to read, work on project, play an instrument or do something physical.  Instead of being told 'Good job.' or 'Great work.' they will be asked how they came up with a solution or what they were thinking when working on a project.  

Have to Work Through Hard Things.

Not knowing the answer is hard.  Going through puberty is hard.  Learning something new is hard.  It has become common culture to solve problems, medicate and entertain which ultimately doesn't allow a child to grow, learn or develop.  

Kids will be allowed to work through difficult situations, they will be given challenges.  Instead of being asked to pour one cup of sugar, then being congratulated on baking cookies, they will be asked to do the work of the entire recipe.  Scaling the recipe, finding the equipment, measuring, mixing and baking ingredients and cleaning up will all be expectations for baking one muffin.  Having the chance to do this many times over will allow a child to truly grow.


Learn to add and multiply without counting fingers or drawing lines. 

Understand fractions, geometry and long division.

Solve problems with recipes, floor plans and farms.

Bake muffins, build model homes and plant in gardens and greenhouses.


Learn phonics, phonetical rules, grammar rules, sentence structure. 

Understand how to write reports and stories.

Write recipes, product descriptions and instruction manuals.

Make a business plan for a farmers' market product and 


Learn to notes, chords, key signature for guitar, uke or piano. 

Understand patterns in songs and harmonies.

Create and play songs, scales, melodies and harmonies.

Play music as part of a concert, fall supper or farmers' market.


Learn to memorize vocabulary and use analogies for concepts. 

Understand fractions, geometry and long division.

Practice and with simple tools like squares, levels and wrenches.

Design and experiment with crafted water pumps, sun dials and wind generators .

Mission Statement:

At Kenzy Elementary, our mission is to passionately dedicate ourselves

to the holistic development of elementary students. We are committed to creating a nurturing educational environment that goes beyond

traditional academic boundaries. Our focus is on empowering students

through a love for learning, building a robust foundation in academic

fundamentals, fostering an appreciation for essential concepts, and

instilling life skills crucial for personal well-being, meaningful work,

and positive relationships.

Please explore this website to see if your family would benefit from the Kenzy Methods. 

Our Resources


Video lessons, printable pdf's and graphic posters make learning easy.


Lessons are presented in steps to allow learners to go at their own pace. 


Methods have not only produced incredible results, but are based in research. 


Programs have been re-engineered and improved year after year in classrooms.